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The Direction Générale des Impôts is a central structure of the Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et du Développement. Its mission is to draw up and apply domestic, state, land and cadastral tax legislation. As such, it is responsible for
- d’appliquer les dispositions du code des impôts, du livre de procédures fiscales, du code de l’enregistrement, du timbre et de l’impôt sur les valeurs mobilières ;
- d’élaborer la règlementation en matière domaniale, cadastrale et foncière ;
- d’appliquer la règlementation en matière de cadastre et de travaux fonciers ;
- de gérer le domaine landnational ;
- to retain ownership of the land;
- de préparer les textes à caractère législatif et règlementaire en matière d’impôt à destination du législateur et de l’autorité règlementaire et d’édicter les instructions en application de ces textes de portée générale ;
- to collect fiscal and parafiscal revenues other than door ;
- d’administrer la publicité foncière;
- d’assurer les contrôles fiscaux ;
- Produce tax statistics and any other statistics within its area of competence;
- implement the domestic resource mobilization strategy.
The General Customs Department is a central structure of the Ministry in charge of finance in accordance with Decree n°2020-0354/PRES/PM/MINEFID of May 15, 2020 on the organization of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Development (MINEFID). It is governed by decree n°330/MINEFID/SG/DGD of July 10, 2020 on the remit, organization and operation of the Directorate General of Customs (DGD).
The Customs Administration is responsible for drawing up and applying customs legislation and regulations, and for collecting related duties and taxes.
The overall objective of the Maison de l'Entreprise du Burkina Faso (MEBF) is to contribute to the development of a strong and competitive private sector, by providing a critical mass of coordinated services to businesses and professional associations.
The aim is to contribute to the renovation of the private sector support system, which is now set to play a key role in Burkina Faso's economic development.
MEBF has been entrusted with the following missions:
- setting up and running a reception, listening and referral service for private sector support programs;
- implementation of private sector support programs ;
- an interface role with government departments, private-sector support institutions and service providers in terms of economic information, advice, training and administrative formalities;
- and any ancillary or related activities or operations required to achieve its purpose.
To this end, MEBF has set up a formal system for identifying companies' service needs, as well as firms and service providers for which a substantial register has already been opened.
Its activities are strongly focused on SMEs and VSEs, which make up the bulk of Burkina Faso's economic fabric.